About Us

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We Are Mithai Mitra

About Us

Experience The true Taste Of Indian Sweets
At Mithai Mitra, we believe that sweets are not just desserts, they are an integral part of our culture and heritage. Our passion for creating the most delicious and authentic Indian sweets has been passed down through generations, and we are committed to preserving this legacy. Our sweet shop is not just a place to buy sweets, it’s a destination where you can experience the warmth of our hospitality and the richness of our tradition. Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion or just want to satisfy your sweet tooth, we have something for everyone.

Mithai Mitra Time

we are open

Mon -Saturday

9:00 am - 9:00 pm


10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Our Team

Anil Aggarwal


Amit Aggarwal


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